Monday, September 13, 2004

Chora already fixed

Jan reported that Chora is already fixed for three months.

First of all, let me apologize, I didn't want to hurt Horde or anyone else, and if you found my posting confusing, then well, I was confused and not too little...

That weekend my server has been cracked again, and ctorrent has been installed to burn my traffic (from the same network 210.5.125.*).

I doubt that the announcement Jan posted helped much, because how comes that apparently every script-kiddy knew about the vulnaribility but not chora users (at least I didn't know, and I saw a lot of chora 1.2 installations out there).

If I would have found a note on Chora's homepage, I think, I wouldn't have posted such a panic reaction.

So, sorry once again and I hope that this was - at least - a lesson to everyone of us...

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